May 7, 2011


Seems that LastPass has a little hole:

Save your passwords online, protected with a password.

I feel better if I save my passwords here:

My BlackBook, it's hidden in a secure place and contains my passwords.

Where do you save yours? In your mind? In your wallet? In a "blackbook" like me?
In a post-it near the screen?


  1. Our minds are the best places, but there are too many passwords...

  2. saving my PW's online? no thanks

  3. I try to keep only like 5 passwords. Sometimes I have to try a few times though.

  4. I save mine on a hard drive attached to a computer that's disconnected from any networks.

    Although, the only way to truly secure it would be to lock it up in a vault. But, I don't think anyone cares that much about them.


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