Showing posts with label indie. Show all posts
Showing posts with label indie. Show all posts

June 20, 2013

Don't Escape!

don't escape game

I love this type of games!

You are a werewolf, you know it and you must to block yourself into a house to avoid to kill someone...

I tried this:
  1. go outside and pick the axe
  2. pick the logs
  3. pick the mushrooms
  4. go inside
  5. pick the rope
  6. close the door
  7. turn right
  8. pick the bottle
  9. turn right
  10. open drawers and pick tinderbox
  11. search in the clothes for a silver key
  12. search in the bed for a gold key
  13. close window and close the lock in the window
  14. turn right
  15. take herb on the hook
  16. take root on the barrel
  17. open the chest with small gold key
  18. take hammer and nails inside the chest
  19. use axe on table and pick planks
  20. turn right
  21. use silver key to lock the door
  22. move shelf to the door
  23. turn right two times
  24. use planks on the window
  25. use hammer and nails on the planks
  26. turn right three times
  27. put logs in the fireplace
  28. use tinderbox on the logs
  29. put herbs, root and mushroom in the pot
  30. use bottle on the pot
  31. drink potion (use potion on yourself)
  32. use rope on yourself
  33. click the time icon (first icon)

BBBBut it doesn't work, I missed something.
The door is too weak and the potion doesn't work... any idea?


June 19, 2013

A Dark Room

Another textual game via browser! No candies here!
You are in a dark room and...

A Dark Room game

Build more huts so there will be more villagers

dark room village

Build compass to explore more places!

May 10, 2013

Gods will be watching - Surviving

gods will be watching game indie minimal

Do you like surviving games?
You must endure trough a 40 days survival until your crew can be rescued.

Try it:

April 30, 2013

Automation: are you a car engineer? I'm not.

I love weird games and "tech" games like this!
Build, setup and test your engine with different parts/materials/configurations.

PS: alt+tab during the game in some screen like tutorial, etc... there are bugs that allow you to use other engine parts.

July 7, 2011

Do you like bridges?

Bridge Construction Set is a very nice game where you must build the "perfect" bridge in the proposed environment with the proposed materials and budget.

Download the demo:  (Win, Mac etc...)

It's amazing!! Awesome!!

June 14, 2011

Indie games with YoYo

This is a interesting website that collects a bunch of homemade games made with a tool called GameMaker.

Follow this link for the game list:

The tool is for beginners and for developers a bit more expert,  there is the possibility to use a scripting language for coding and the support of plugins and DLLs written in other languages. I'm reading that in the next times this tool will support the publishing in other devices and OS (iOs, Android, PSP, Mac, etc...).

There is a huge amount of games...  like:
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