Showing posts with label smartphone. Show all posts
Showing posts with label smartphone. Show all posts

October 16, 2013

GTA5 Manual for Android

Play the game on TV and read the manual on your phone/tablet!

It's a bit downvoted...

GTA5 manual


July 31, 2012

FirefoxOS, test it on your Windows/macOs/linux

Firefox OS is the new mobile OS from Mozilla...

Firefox OS consists of 3 basic software layers: 
  • Gonk (kernal, HAL, and low-level components
  • Gecko (rendering engine, web APIs)
  • and Gaia (HTML5 User interface layer).       
Would you try it in your pc?

Do you want the easy way? Go here

or.... (let's try this):

Download the B2G packet from this page:

choose your build version (linux, mac, win...):

Download only the 14 MB file!

April 18, 2012

Android VS iOS, analized by a user

This is the analysis of a user about the two mobile operating systems using them in several devices.
I agree with many of his observations.

1° part

2° part

3° part

4° part

April 13, 2012

Smartphones in the 1991

In the mind of some guy...

In 1991 there were technologies to make this device?
I don't think so.

But looking at the old patents always has its charms.

From TheVerge

March 28, 2012

Bluestacks: android apps in your pc

With the Beta of Bluestacks you can use Android market apps on your Windows Os.
All beautiful.

But today I'm a bit annoyed and I noticed that this software is bloated as ****:
  •  2 processes run on StartUp
  •  + ~400 MB of ram used
when you don't use Bluestacks.


If you wanna try it:

Imho the best way is a Virtual Machine solution: virtualizing Android ICS. (the only problem is the internet connection... that doesn't work in my case, there is a post of 2 weeks ago)

January 20, 2012

Motorola Milestone (Droid) Froyo, some little works to do

It's time to put something new on this old Motorola Milestone (Droid in the Usa).

So, what do?

First point, a new launcher, the Froyo's launcher is *blearhg*.
For me the best is Go Launcher Ex for some reasons:
- better app drawer
- creation of directories in the app drawer and in the desktops
- gestures (if you want)
- possibility to hide dock bar and status bar (notify bar)
- multiple desktops (like original android home launcher)
- multiple docks
- widgets scaling
- choosing the grid dimension on the desktops
- choosing how icons appear on the desktop (black label, alpha label, no label etc...)
- tons of other stuff

This launcher works great in this phone (that has low ram)

A post about this (free) launcher>

Second point, rooting phone.
With the "root" you can use your phone as a super user, with this utility you can choose to grant SU permission to an App (Titanium Backup, etc...).

This link is very clearly:

Third point (I'm in this point), trying the overclocking.
Poor battery! But, it's only for testing purpose.
This link is very helpful:
(There are many overclock utilities in the market)

PS: Use at your own risk, I do not take responsibility for your actions!

Next steps? A custom rom I suppose...

...and a list of the MUST HAVE apps...

January 12, 2012

Broken Sword, play it on your mobile phone

These great adventure-games finally on your smartphones!
I played them on my Playstation (the first) in the 1999/2002 (I have skipped the school for some days to play them).
Ops! I discovered that they were free few days ago... :_(

Ok, these are for iOS, but for Android?
Take a look there:

The iOS versions are remastered and optimized for a better mobile experience (big dialog baloons, etc), the ScummVm version is not (but you can survive to this).

if you have a Win Pc you can play the Broken Sword 2.5 game, search it in this blog, no, I link it:

January 4, 2012

Top & Flop of 2011

About tech, games and other things.

- Android mobile OS: downloads from the market and impressive number of activations, ICS (Android 4) is released
- Apple Iphone 4S: despite a few news and the same design, has sold a lot
- Tablets, tablets everywhere, Kindle gold year too

- Samsung and Apple patents war: Apple is ruining its name with its patents troll war
- Apple MacOsx Lion: good sales, but a lot of bugs, many users complained
- Nintendo 3DS: nobody gives a sh** about this (no games)
- Sony was hacked a lot of times, stolen user data
- Duke Nukem 3D: after years proves a disappointment
- 3D Tv: who bought them?
- Google with Google Plus (can't beat Facebook) and Google Wave (it's closing)
- Chromebooks: google laptops that cost as a normal laptop but only work online

In the middle (can't say if is a top or a flop, next year maybe):
- Metro interface on Windows 8: we see only the Developer Preview so we can't say anything (waiting for Beta)

I forgot something?

December 9, 2011

Android Market: 10 cents promotions

Want to know the list of games and applications that have a reduced price on the market?

Simply click this link:

Check every day, deals do not last long!
In this time 10 apps with reduced price for 10 days at 10 cents!

November 26, 2011

Minecraft : Pocket Edition

Mojang released the mobile version of Minecraft some weeks ago.
I tried it, is a little uncomfortable in a smartphone, but not bad...

On Android:
If you wanna try (free version DEMO):

Full version:

The version I tried doesn't support App2SD :-(

This app is for iOS too:

PS: some developers have rebuilt a their "minecraft like" version, search their works in the market!

November 3, 2011

A new launcher for your Android

The launcher in Android is like a desktop manager and my preferred one is GO Launcher EX.

With this launcher you can create folders in your app drawer, order apps, resize widgets, use themes and so on.

Very useful the option that removes the black background in the icon label and the 3 view modes in the app drawer (All, Recent, Running).

Only one comment: awesome.

Take a look, it's free:

After the installation the application asks you to replace the old default launcher (like "Home 2.2.1" in Froyo etc...). In this way when you restart your phone this launcher is used by default.

Enjoy it!

September 25, 2011

July 11, 2011

Android widget: Sd Space

The android market is a place full of awesomeness! (ok, I'm exaggerating)
I like tools and widgets, so this time I propose a useful widget: Sd Space.
This widget puts a micro-sd icon in your android desktop with the % of free space in your sd.

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