July 4, 2013

Windows 8.1 preview download

windows 8.1 preview download product key

Only for testing, don't use for your main OS!

English 64-bit (x64) Download (3.3 GB)
English 32-bit (x86) Download (2.5 GB)

Product Key: NTTX3-RV7VB-T7X7F-WQYYY-9Y92F

June 28, 2013

Mac Pro 2013: internet says... (14 images)

Here's the best of the best that the new Mac Pro has aroused in the people of the web...

mac pro dart water

someone takes inspiration:

mac pro case mod


others think that external devices can create so much mess:

new mac pro is a mess?


What is it like?
What it can do?
A bunch of funny images:

new mac pro funny

June 20, 2013

Don't Escape!

don't escape game

I love this type of games!

You are a werewolf, you know it and you must to block yourself into a house to avoid to kill someone...

I tried this:
  1. go outside and pick the axe
  2. pick the logs
  3. pick the mushrooms
  4. go inside
  5. pick the rope
  6. close the door
  7. turn right
  8. pick the bottle
  9. turn right
  10. open drawers and pick tinderbox
  11. search in the clothes for a silver key
  12. search in the bed for a gold key
  13. close window and close the lock in the window
  14. turn right
  15. take herb on the hook
  16. take root on the barrel
  17. open the chest with small gold key
  18. take hammer and nails inside the chest
  19. use axe on table and pick planks
  20. turn right
  21. use silver key to lock the door
  22. move shelf to the door
  23. turn right two times
  24. use planks on the window
  25. use hammer and nails on the planks
  26. turn right three times
  27. put logs in the fireplace
  28. use tinderbox on the logs
  29. put herbs, root and mushroom in the pot
  30. use bottle on the pot
  31. drink potion (use potion on yourself)
  32. use rope on yourself
  33. click the time icon (first icon)

BBBBut it doesn't work, I missed something.
The door is too weak and the potion doesn't work... any idea?



June 19, 2013

A Dark Room

Another textual game via browser! No candies here!
You are in a dark room and...


A Dark Room game

Build more huts so there will be more villagers

dark room village

Build compass to explore more places!

May 24, 2013

The pussy is a universal magnet

yep, it's minx

It's true that pussy is the strongest magnet ever.

I mean, I spoke once of Hannah Minx on this blog and every day since 2010 there is someone who comes here looking for "hannah minx {something}"

The proof for this month:

hannah minx sextape naked nudes

Guys, she has a channel on Youtube, go there and be hypnotized by her tits!

Or search some fake picture on Google Images!

May 23, 2013

Indiana Jones and the fate of Atlantis [nostalgia]

ScummVM (or Steam) and you can play this old, but beautiful adventure by LucasArts, the longest as someone told me.

Have not you ever tried it?
Jokes, beautiful environments and is not linear as it seems, the best part is that the AI ​​varies certain puzzles.

Well, you can't expect too much, it's from 1992!

Ok, let me conclude this so then I will play the previous chapter:
Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade: The Graphic Adventure

Time to dig tombs and whatever.

May 22, 2013

It's time for AC: Brotherhood

I bought Assassin's Creed Brotherhood, strictly for a good price and on the physical media (I'm fetish about these things)

assassin's creed brotherhood

Ok, installing...

installer fullscreen Ac

>Fullscreen installers

What are you doing Ubisoft?

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