May 1, 2011

What happens when Mario dies

April 30, 2011

Re3: other screenshots

In the last part of the game, in the factory, you can obtain this weapon:

Simply modify your Facility Key in the radiation-machine near the watersample-test and then use the key in the closed locker situated in the room under the lab.
You can access in this room using the E-Card in the elevator in the "steam room".

I am a bit dead

PS: I have finally the REC:Veronica game for Ps2 (original copy 8-)  ).
Somebody tells me REC:V sucks, but doesn't matter, I want to play it.

You are a hacker!

No, just kidding.
But you can use this site to impress your friends!

Nero, one of us

April 29, 2011

What about the royal wedding?

Resident Evil 3: playing

I'm still playing Resident Evil 3 (pc edition).
The gameflow is very good, but the graphic is old, seems to be a porting from playstation one.
Doesn't matter, I really enjoying this game!
Another survival-horror: Dead Space.
I'm playing it, it offers a very better graphic (yeah, it's a game of 2008), but I don't feel anything.
Seems strange, but I prefer playing RE3.

Some screenshots!


WTF man! It's a DeLorean!!

April 28, 2011

Stop smoking...

When you reach this situation,  is time to consider stop smoking...

April 27, 2011

Chrome themes

A great site that allows you to create your own theme for Google Chrome:

I like old videogames: RE3

I like old videogames!
I'm playing Resident Evil 3: Nemesis on the PC.
On Xp this game has a problem, after the intro doesn't work.
The problem is the audio acceleration in the DirectX setup.
Run > dxdiag > Your primary audio device > No acceleration.

April 26, 2011

Iphone 4 White

I'm sorry for another post about Apple, but I must say they are geniuses.

Before Iphone 5 (end of summer?) they drop a new version of Iphone 4.
What are the changes?
Nothing, only the fucking color.
It's "trendy white".

Now the applefags with their black Iphone4 are raging more, they want the new iphone 4.

Slaves of the market... GG Steve Jobs!

I'm white too...

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