May 28, 2013

Microsoft: comparative ads

Do you remember the old ads "Mac VS Pc"?

get a mac - advertising - pc vs mac

Microsoft is taking revenge with other new ads:

deal with IT

Take a look here:

May 24, 2013

The pussy is a universal magnet

yep, it's minx

It's true that pussy is the strongest magnet ever.

I mean, I spoke once of Hannah Minx on this blog and every day since 2010 there is someone who comes here looking for "hannah minx {something}"

The proof for this month:

hannah minx sextape naked nudes

Guys, she has a channel on Youtube, go there and be hypnotized by her tits!

Or search some fake picture on Google Images!

May 23, 2013

Indiana Jones and the fate of Atlantis [nostalgia]

ScummVM (or Steam) and you can play this old, but beautiful adventure by LucasArts, the longest as someone told me.

Have not you ever tried it?
Jokes, beautiful environments and is not linear as it seems, the best part is that the AI ​​varies certain puzzles.

Well, you can't expect too much, it's from 1992!

Ok, let me conclude this so then I will play the previous chapter:
Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade: The Graphic Adventure

Time to dig tombs and whatever.

May 22, 2013

It's time for AC: Brotherhood

I bought Assassin's Creed Brotherhood, strictly for a good price and on the physical media (I'm fetish about these things)

assassin's creed brotherhood

Ok, installing...

installer fullscreen Ac

>Fullscreen installers

What are you doing Ubisoft?

May 20, 2013

May 18, 2013

My new house on Minecraft #2 (13 images)

The house is completed! Only the Lab is in construction.

minecraft home
minecraft home to the lab
Door to the lab
minecraft home flowers room
Weed room
minecraft home upside garden

minecraft home

minecraft home outside

minecraft home hall
minecraft home storage #1
Storage #1
minecraft home hall different view
Hall from a different point of view
minecraft home bedroom
minecraft home library
minecraft home tower stairs

minecraft home outside complete

May 15, 2013

Hidden stuff on Windows 8.1 (Blue): waiting for final release

There is some stuff hidden on Windows 8.1 (9385 leaked version)

Download the tool!

and follow the video:

PS: Windows 8.1 confirmed to be free for Windows 8 users.

May 14, 2013

Pokemon Fusion

Never put two Pokemons in the same Pokeball!
I LOL very hard with some mixtures.

pokemon fusion
 farpix pokemon


May 13, 2013

Windows 8.1 Developer Preview

Windows 8.1 Developer Preview was released to developers...
I expect many optimizations for the desktop environment (keyboard and mouse interaction), in addition to all those already mentioned in the previous posts for the ModernUI.

Start button will return
The Start button is still there, but opens the Start screen and not the old Start window.
For me it is fine, but there's definitely need more customization, especially the addition of an initial tutorial for newbies.

Waiting for public release in June...

GarageBand for Windows?

music programs mix software windows

GarageBand for Windows??

Nope, but you can try these programs:

May 10, 2013

May 4, 2013

Textual old style RPG online


Farm candies and lollipops, fight enemies, deal with frogs, witches and merchants, buy things, discover places etc...

Start eating candies (for HPs) and buy a good sword.

Click the merchant's hat for 100 free candies! And the lollipop icon for low prices.

candies rpg lollipop farm



it's drug.


Defeating the Dragon you obtain (if you kill some unicorn) the Magical Horn to regain health during quests.

With a GMOOH potion you can visit other places like Desert, Sea, Cow Level

cow level

desert level

sea level

And in the Cow level you can obtain the Hord of plenty (x3 lollipops production)

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