July 21, 2012

WinSplit: a windows tiling manager for Windows

If you are looking for a good windows manager... try WinSplit!


  • Automated window handling (resize, move, reorganize, close tasks)
  • Shape - process association
  • Global hotkeys and clickable virtual numpad
  • Automatic startup
  • Automatic update
  • Moving a window with mouse (drag'n'go)
  • Hotkey configure
  • Layout configure
  • Fusion between 2 windows
  • Minimize/Restore by hotkey
  • Mosaic mode

Download: http://winsplit-revolution.com/download

July 16, 2012

New Ms Office - Preview

Trying... it seems very fluid and the new graphic style is very beautiful.
The Ribbon menu can be hidden and there are new flat icons.

Try it now: http://www.microsoft.com/office/preview/en/try-office-preview

July 14, 2012

Windows 8 : go to desktop after login

There are a few ways to load the Desktop after the login (or simply the boot) of Windows 8.

Do you remember Start8? No? Check 

In the new version it adds a very useful feature:

New in v0.87, July 2012
  • - Automatically load your Windows desktop on login (vs the start screen)

Another way is using Task Scheduler.
Start Task Scheduler (Control Panel > Computer Management > click Task Scheduler in the left sidebar) and in the right sidebar click "Create Basic Task" or "Create Task".

The "Basic task" wizard is more easy (but less configurable), you can select it.

In the first tab write a name like "Boot 2 Desktop" and a description if you want. Click Next.
In the trigger tab select "When I log on". Click Next.
In the action tab select "Start a program", click Next and in the Program/Script textbox write "explorer" without quotes.
Click Next and click Finish.

Et voilĂ .

The only problem is that a Library window appears.
PS: after the login, the Metro Start Screen appears and after a few seconds the Desktop appears.
You can delay this action in the "Delay" setting in the task settings.
This trick works in the 8400 build.

July 12, 2012

[Nostalgia] Playstation 2 #1

I'm rediscovering the old charm of the Playstation 2, we see what I can bring home ... for now I'm having fun with Shinobi II.

I'm making a list of must-have titles ...

July 11, 2012

D-Fend Reloaded: play and organize old DOS games on Windows

D-Fend Reloaded screen

If you have the newer Windows versions but you want to play old Dos games the only good way is to use DosBox to emulate a complete (old) computer.
D-Fend Reloaded is a graphical environment for DosBox and it helps you to organize your games.


  • Games can be installed from zip files without any configuration..
  • D-Fend Reloaded may be installed in a portable operation mode (for USB-Sticks etc.).
  • Besides DOSBox you can also use ScummVM as emulator.
  • Also Windows-based games can be managed in D-Fend Reloaded.
  • With the integrated Bochs-FAT-Image-Creator you may create floppy and harddisk images to be used with DOSBox directly from the D-Fend Reloaded GUI.
  • D-Fend Reloaded can create images from CDs and floppy disks which can be used as drives in DOSBox.
  • Screenshots
  • Update checker...

More: http://dfendreloaded.sourceforge.net/Features.html

You can download it here:

PS: There are some packages like Adventure package, action games package etc...

In action with a good old classic... Alone in the dark:

July 10, 2012

July 9, 2012

How to schedule a shutdown on Windows

Sometimes could be useful shutdown Windows at certain time... there are many ways:

Command method:

Open a command prompt as administrator and write:

 shutdown -s -t SECONDS

where SECONDS are the time in seconds to the shutdown (remember 3600 seconds = 1 hour)

 shutdown -a 

to reset and delete the countdown.
When you set/delete the shutdown a pop-up notification notices you.
The -f option to force programs to close is useless in this case because if -t is set with a value >0 -f is implied.

Task scheduler:
Press Win and search for "schedule task" to start Task Scheduler. You can create a new task to shutdown the pc at a certain time. Use basic task wizard.

Other softwares:
There are tons of tools for this task... I suggest you Simple Shutdown Scheduler


Remember: with the Command method you can shutdown remote pcs too!

July 7, 2012

There will be no Internet blackout

Apocalypse! No, don't worry

Runs on the net the news that on Monday the Internet users will be overshadowed by problems caused by a virus called Dns Changer.

But DNS Changer is an old treat : http://arstechnica.com/tech-policy/2011/11/how-the-most-massive-botnet-scam-ever-made-millions-for-estonian-hackers/   so if you have an antivirus and your aren't a totally noob you are safe.
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