Sometimes could be useful shutdown Windows at certain time... there are many ways:
Command method:
Open a command prompt as administrator and write:
shutdown -s -t SECONDS
where SECONDS are the time in seconds to the shutdown (remember 3600 seconds = 1 hour)
shutdown -a
to reset and delete the countdown.
When you set/delete the shutdown a pop-up notification notices you.
The -f option to force programs to close is useless in this case because if -t is set with a value >0 -f is implied.
Task scheduler:
Press Win and search for "schedule task" to start Task Scheduler. You can create a new task to shutdown the pc at a certain time. Use basic task wizard.
Other softwares:
There are tons of tools for this task... I suggest you
Simple Shutdown Scheduler
Remember: with the Command method you can shutdown remote pcs too!