About tech, games and other things.
- Android mobile OS:
downloads from the market and impressive number of activations, ICS (Android 4) is released
- Apple Iphone 4S:
despite a few news and the same design,
has sold a lot
- Tablets, tablets everywhere, Kindle gold year too
- Samsung and Apple patents war: Apple is ruining its name with its patents troll war
- Apple MacOsx Lion: good sales, but a lot of bugs, many users complained
- Nintendo 3DS: nobody gives a sh** about this (no games)
- Sony was hacked a lot of times,
stolen user data
- Duke Nukem 3D: after years proves a disappointment
- 3D Tv: who bought them?
- Google with Google Plus (can't beat F
acebook) and Google Wave (it's closing)
- Chromebooks: google
laptops that cost as a normal laptop but only work online
In the middle (can't say if is a top or a flop, next year maybe):
- Metro interface on Windows 8: we see only the Developer Preview so we can't say anything (waiting for Beta)
I forgot something?