July 7, 2011

Do you like bridges?

Bridge Construction Set is a very nice game where you must build the "perfect" bridge in the proposed environment with the proposed materials and budget.

Download the demo:
http://www.chroniclogic.com/bcs_download.htm  (Win, Mac etc...)

It's amazing!! Awesome!!

July 5, 2011

Xbox360 games in Windows 8

So Windows 8 has a feature which will allow pc users to play xbox 360 games... uhm...


The Lego master builder

Ah, his name is Erik Varszegi!


July 1, 2011

Battery on the lunch table

Do you remember the Futurama episode where Fry believes to be a robot?
If you think you are a bit "android" why not use batteries?
These batteries.

Ok, they aren't batteries, but salt and pepper shakers designed like a battery with a little window to indicate the amount of charge.

Where you can buy it? ThinkGeek: http://www.thinkgeek.com/homeoffice/kitchen/e7aa/

June 29, 2011

Doctor Who, lend me your T.A.R.D.I.S.

Between one thing and another I'm watching all the "new" seasons of the TV series "Doctor Who".
In particular from 2005 onwards.
If you have never seen, I highly recommend it!
Don't spoiler the plot on Wiki! Damn!

Google + is coming to us

Google is trying to reinvent social-networks with Google + (Google Plus).

Take a look to the features:
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