Showing posts with label hardware. Show all posts
Showing posts with label hardware. Show all posts

July 18, 2011

3D Printers, how do they work? (like magnets?)

Take a look at this video:

I am a bit surprised how it detect moving parts scanning the tool.

In the near future where the prices will be lower and the distribution will be for regular customers ... what will you create?

I have some ideas ...

Waiting for these products become widely deployed, you can build one:


June 26, 2011

DIY: 6$ mouse pen

Yesterday I was a bit bored so I tried to build something.
With a old yellow marker and a bit of glue I made this mouse pen.
The internal circuit is from a "finger mouse" (see related post) and it's set to stay inside the marker.

Does it work fine? Not bad, lol, but this optical sensor doesn't work too much fine on the surface of my desk so I tried on a mousepad.

June 19, 2011

Solar Bikini

Yeah, summer is coming, but...
seriously... what?

With a female USB socket in the slip... hum...
This is science!

For more info...

June 17, 2011

It's not a netbook

Toshiba: back in time...

Apple, Google, they are the same

Old story.

The current companies collect our personal information and they do what they want, sell them, make money on them.
For me is ok if I know it and I can select which informations provide.
After Apple and his "I'm collecting wifi spots for blahblahblah" is the time for Google.

Let me be a bit angry when I can trace with Google, through the MAC address of my wifi router, my home address.
I have no idea how they did it to collect all this data (google cars?), But that does not please me at all.

Considerations to you.

Insert your MAC address : and try.
This site reads a public Google database.
You can find your MAC in your router details.

I've tryed:
- Pc network card MAC: nothing
- Smartphone MAC: nothing
- Router ASDL port MAC: nothing
- Router LAN port MAC: nothing
- Router WIFI port MAC:  ... aw, sh*t... my current address

My access point is not for public use, it's crypted and not so powerfull. So, why collecting it?

Google, don't be evil.

June 15, 2011

Finger Mouse

Out of curiosity I bought this mouse. Is dedicated for use with laptops, but no matter.
It's not bad, but it works better on my t-shirt that on the desk in the picture!

June 6, 2011

E3 2011 Los Angeles: uhm, ok for me :D

I'm following some parts of the E3 2011 from GameSpot (thanks Gamespot!) and I'm very pleased to see how good are the new Call of Duty and (obviously) the new Tomb Raider.

Interacting with the xbox360 Kinect is also very interesting, a beautiful try was given with Tom Clancy's
Ghost Recon assembling weapons and shooting targets (with voice and movements) and with the dashboard.

Some images from CoD e TR:

Post Under Upgrade ...

May 30, 2011

Sands of time

Are these the ruins of an ancient civilization, covered with the sand of the desert?

It's a dirty mother board!!


May 6, 2011

Do you have this keyboard?

A bit old (2007?), but I saw this keyboard few days ago.
It's damned cool!
Each key on the keyboard is not only a key, but a little display that shows an icon and all these keys are customizable:

''Optimus Configurator software enables users to program each button to reproduce a sequence of symbols and edit images separately for each layout.''

It costs only approx. 2201 US$  or  approx. 1480  €. So cheap!

Aw, you can buy it on too 

March 22, 2011

Iphone 5, lets see something about this faggotry

Some rumors about features on Iphone 5:

- dual core processor;
- 8 MPX camera;
- more thin;
- NFC (you can transport your sh*t).

I hate f*cking Apple, I hate their policy, I hate their idea of f4ggot users they have...
but this time hardware is good.

I'm a bit curious about the specs of the other devices (Motorola, HTC, ecc...) Android based, hoping in a fast upgrade mechanism.

What do you think?

February 10, 2011

Uno sguardo al futuro: Iphone 5

Vediamo cosa prevedono le lungimiranti menti degli utenti riguardo l'Iphone 5.
Grazie a Google ovviamente....

L'iphone 5 con antenna gigante, forse per sopperire a quel piccolo problema dell'iphone 4?


Qui si fanno invece gloriose seghe mentali con una ricostruzione dell'Iphone5 immaginandoselo FLAT:


Ma sicuramente sarà così:


January 26, 2011

Pc cooler

Il miglior modo per tenere fresco il pc una volta per tutte.
Compratevi pure dei tappi per le orecchie.

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