There are a few ways to load the Desktop after the login (or simply the boot) of Windows 8.
Do you remember
Start8? No?
In the new version it adds a very useful feature:
New in v0.87, July 2012
- - Automatically load your Windows desktop on login (vs the start screen)
Another way is using
Task Scheduler.
Task Scheduler (Control Panel > Computer Management > click
Task Scheduler in the left sidebar) and in the right sidebar click "Create Basic Task" or "Create Task".
The "Basic task" wizard is more easy (but less configurable), you can select it.
In the
first tab write a name like "Boot 2 Desktop" and a description if you want. Click Next.
In the
trigger tab select "When I log on". Click Next.
In the
action tab select "Start a program", click Next and in the Program/Script textbox write "
explorer" without quotes.
Click Next and click Finish.
Et voilà .
The only problem is that a Library window appears.
PS: after the login, the Metro Start Screen appears and after a few seconds the Desktop appears.
You can delay this action in the "Delay" setting in the task settings.
This trick works in the 8400 build.