July 26, 2012

Borderless Windows theme...

borderless windows
Theme applied!
Do you remember 3rd party themes on Windows?
If you forgot about them follow this link (second part):

Do you remember? You need to patch with Universal Theme Patcher and then put these files in the themes directory:  C:\Windows\Resources\Themes 
and then Personalize > apply the theme.

Now we install this theme with no-border (apparently), download it:

and put it in the Themes directory. Apply and enjoy.

The borders are present, but there is no line, so it's only "blur". A bad thing in this theme (imho) is the black skin applied on the taskbar... it's a bit strange, but... try it!

1 comment:

  1. The borders are present, but there is no line, so it's only "blur". A bad thing in this theme (imho) is the black skin applied on the taskbar... it's a bit strange, but... try it!


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